She with No Degree

The concept of having a University degree under our belt is instilled in us from a young age for we are generally told that without one, our chances of success drop significantly.

We are taught to pick an occupation that we feel passionate about so we can study for it at a post-secondary institution, thrive and fall right into the field of our dreams after graduating. This, of course, leads to higher income, a better quality of life, sugar, spice and everything nice!

What happens, though, when your high school graduation is a few months away and you still haven’t a single clue as to what career path you want to take? What happens if you or your parents do not have sufficient funds available to sustain the expenses of a post-secondary education?

What happens if your loan or OSAP application doesn’t even get approved? What happens if the initial financing isn’t an issue but then two years into your program you realize just how much you hate what you’re studying?

Or worse, what happens if you changed your mind after you graduated? That’s thousands of dollars down the drain and yes, I’ve seen it happen.

A couple of weeks ago, a position within our corporate office’s Marketing Team opened up. From what I’ve heard, one would have to be oozing in credentials to even have a remote chance of being considered. Therefore, I had it in my mind that if I were to apply, it would be a long shot because I do not hold a University degree and I do not have any experience in Marketing.

Yet and still, I read through the job description and, as it highly intrigued me, proceeded to conduct additional research to determine whether I can confidently and honestly present my candidacy during a potential interview.

I was advised by one of my leaders that my biggest competition would be those with Ivy League educations who are holding University degrees. I was, however, still encouraged to apply because apparently, my initiative showed that I cared more about the job itself than how it would look on my resume. I was also told that holding a University degree is not reflective of one’s work ethic and passion for without either, the degree is just another piece of paper.

After I reviewed all of the information I gathered and with the support of my current leaders, I decided to apply for it. I didn’t expect much but I thought that at the very least, I am communicating that this is the type of role I’m gunning for.

Surprisingly, I was called and attended my first interview a few days later. It went well considering that later that afternoon I was called again to schedule my second!

The “not expecting much” completely went out the window after I jotted down the date and time. I freaked out due to excitement followed by anxiety of not knowing what would happen next because I never expected to make it after the first round. When I did, it sunk in that I was in the game and I wanted nothing more than to win.

For two and a half agonizing days, I waited for their decision.

My August 31st Insanity Log.

Ever heard the term “silently screaming”? This was a result of that. Forgive my messy handwriting.

Signed September 10th, 2012.

Well, Reader, I must have done something right during those interviews because on September 10th, I signed the official documents of my transfer to our corporate office. My start date as a Marketing Approvals Coordinator is Wednesday, October 10th and I. AM. STOKED!

From the first time I verbally accepted the offer on August 31st to just before I signed the offer letter on September 10th, everything felt surreal. As soon as I inked my signature on that page, reality dawned on me and man, was it awesome!

After processing my memories of the days passed – all my panic, anticipation and shock – I gave myself a pat on the back and thanked God so much that He probably wanted to tell me to shut it already. It finally sunk in how big of an accomplishment it was. All the hard work and dedication I poured into my previous roles finally paid off and I am finally on my way to an exciting and rewarding career!

I mean hey, out of all the applicants, they saw potential in the high school graduate whose only form of post-secondary education was completely unrelated to the financial industry and decided to give her a shot!

At twenty five years old, with not much but a few years of experience on paper, I made it into, what someone referred to as, the Shangri-La of our company. As Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad) would put it, “YEA, BITCH!

Now, to be clear, I am not at all claiming that a University degree is not necessary nor am I claiming that it is. Each one of us, as we maneuver through life, discover our own paths and passions in our own time. Whether that’s through going to University or going through life, that’s something only you alone can determine. Either way, you’re going to receive one hell of an education.

