I miss you, blog!

I have thought about writing every single day since my last post but, there was always something more pressing to do or I was just plain exhausted.

Today, I am heading home on the Go train an hour earlier for an appointment with our new vet – we switched to a clinic that is closer to home.

There are several topics I’ve been dying to write about but I never want to rush as each entry must pass my internal quality control test.

The past few weeks have been eventful, to say the least. My mind’s filing cabinet is packed with my rough drafts which is why I keep hoping to find some down time to write.

Lately, I’ve been feeling like there just isn’t enough time in the day and I don’t have enough energy to do all the things I wish to do… speaking of low on energy, I am getting very sleepy so I am going to go ahead and nap for the remainder of the trip.

I’ll be back (sooner rather than later, I hope!).


Chapter 4: The Relapse

About two weeks into my new job, I had a routine established and things in general were working out well. The first electronic payment into my bank account sure felt nice because it had been about a year since that happened.

Smoking and I were still very close friends. I knew it was terrible for my health all around but the feeling of calm that enveloped me during and after each cigarette was much too satisfying.

Eventually, though, I began to receive unexpected “reports” from my friends regarding J’s activities that just rubbed me the wrong way. I knew any shred of love or even care for him as a person was gone like a fart in the wind when I envisioned him as a pesky insect that I just wanted to smush. Is that bad to admit publicly? Probably. Nevertheless, it is the truth and I did commit to telling this story honestly. Maniacal thoughts included.

Under what I would classify as a “momentary logic malfunction”, I made an unwise judgment call, proceeded to type in JM’s name on Facebook and clicked the “Add” button which included a message along the lines of “The reason no longer exists.” Seconds after I sent it, I stopped breathing fire, snapped out of it and rushed to cancel the request. “Phew!” I thought, “Dodged that bullet.”

I didn’t.

I received a confused message from JM shortly after wondering what I meant and whether J and I were still together. I apologized profusely in case he was involved with anyone, explained my momentary logic malfunction and requested that he just forget I ever pulled that move. The last thing I wanted was to go on the rebound or play silly games because at the end of the day, I still wanted the, as Carrie Bradshaw stated, “Can’t live without each other kind of love”. (Seriously, I love Sex and the City.)

JM, however, said he was glad I messaged him because he’d always found it “nettlesome” that he and I never had a real shot at developing anything. Our first rendezvous, as he put it, he was involved and our second, I was involved. Third time around, being involved with another person wasn’t an issue for either one of us.

Yet and still, I strongly felt that entertaining anything with JM would just lead to more trouble because technically, we cheated on our then-respective partners with each other and it wasn’t because any real feelings were involved. Regardless of what our reasons were as to why we did what we did, cheating wasn’t the solution. It never is.

We debated about it for a little while which, regardless of the awkward conversation topic, was slightly refreshing. J didn’t exactly mentally stimulate me.

JM argued that we were different people, more grown up and he was willing to take the time necessary while I continued to heal. I, however, insisted that it just wasn’t a good idea and it wouldn’t be fair to either of us. At the end of it all, we decided on trying to form an actual friendship first.

I thought about the idea of JM & I quite a bit. I mean, there was nothing not to like about him on paper; he really was a great guy. I’m not even going to compare him to J; that’d be insulting to JM. However, no matter which way I thought about the idea, my gut strongly insisted that JM was off-limits in that respect given our history.

August 2009 was almost coming to an end. My parents moved and no longer lived close to the city, where I wanted to stay, as the commute to work was less expensive. My Mom had arranged for me to temporarily live with my aunt while I recuperated financially so that I can sustain a rental on my own.

I came home after work one night with no plans and with no one home. I had a snack, got bored and logged onto Facebook. I was commenting on a friend’s status when, in the corner of my left eye, saw a familiar name under their Friends List… A name I hadn’t thought about in seven years.

John Castillo.

I stared at it not knowing what to do with what I just stumbled upon. A couple of minutes passed when I finally decided to just bloody click on the name. It may not even be him-him…

It was him-him.

“He looks different.” I thought, but it was one thousand percent, no doubt about it – him.

My mind cleared of all thoughts and the only question that remained was  whether I should make contact or not. I mean, I spent one and a half years of my high school life avoiding him precisely because of my crush.

I placed my elbows on the desk, rested my face in my palms and slowly tapped my left index finger on my cheek while shifting my eyeballs left to right. Thinking, weighting out the pros and cons via talking to myself.

“Ok, he doesn’t even know me. He would totally be within his rights to think I’m some kind of crazy creep-stalker-psycho… Fine, maybe I’m a little psychotic but who isn’t these days? What happened to the “no unknowns” on Facebook rule? Exaaaactly. Just drop it. Who cares. He doesn’t and probably wouldn’t. He would definitely think you’re a creeper. Can’t have that. Whatever, leave his stupid page already.”


“Damn it, Leslyn!”

The following night, a couple of my dearest friends, Ace and Randolph, asked me to watch a movie with them. I told them about the Facebook-John-JM whatthefucks and of course, they teased me.

We seated ourselves in the movie theatre and I figured I would check my messages before the film started. I logged onto Facebook on my iPhone to find I had one new message.

Without even knowing for sure who it was from, just the inkling that it might be, made my heart beat faster for some reason.

It was him.

“Oh shit.”

King Arthur Flour’s Baked Pumpkin Doughnuts

Eva at Healthy Glow Nutrition shared the above recipe from King Arthur Flour’s blog a couple of weeks ago. As soon as I laid my eyes upon the photo of the finished dessert, I immediately sent the link to my fiancé, who happens to be quite the talented pastry chef, and excitedly requested that he bake them on a weekend.

This was that weekend!!

John’s baking tools were actually in storage for this batch so he ended up measuring everything by eye. They turned out to be delicious nonetheless! I must say, I was impressed. He also made a pumpkin spice glaze to drizzle on top of some of the doughnuts, which were my personal favourite.

What I really loved about this recipe was: The doughnuts were baked, they weren’t too sweet (I don’t have a sweet tooth) and, they were crisp on the outside and soft, moist and slightly fluffy on the inside! My tastebuds were very happy indeed!

Thank  you to my love for granting my request ❤

P.S. The doughnut baking pans can be purchased at your local Michael’s for approximately $16.00 before taxes. Have you given this recipe a try? If so, let me know how yours turned out!


Chapter 3: The Recovery

In retrospect, I bounced back at near-lightning speed after I found myself alone and at rock bottom no less. Five years I devoted into a relationship to end up with nothing but a multitude of emotions (sure, and lessons) that I had to sort through.

I remember feeling the cold leather on my skin when I laid down on my parents’ couch for the night. There was a momentary separation between the cold temperature of the couch and the chill I felt inside my own skin. I covered myself with a blanket for warmth and prayed. I prayed for the pain to subside even a little because it was paralyzing.

No one survives their first big break up alone. I had a lot of support from my close friends and family but the two who were pretty much glued to me were my girl, Sha (short for Natasha) and an old friend, B (privacy protection).

Prior to that time, I had only touched a cigarette once out of curiosity and choked on the smoke. Sha gave me access to her pack and I chain-smoked about five in a matter of minutes. It numbed the pain and I really needed that. She kept me company, took me out of the condo, kept me up-to-date with the outside world and let me talk my thoughts out which kept my brain from imploding. She helped take my mind off things for a little while and immensely lightened up my mood.

B, however, buckled me down and laid out the realities of the situation point blank. Listening to B made my insides freeze because it meant that I undoubtedly had to dive into the unknown and figure out how to begin putting my life back together.

I was petrified because this was when my insecurities were at their peak. My heart and brain were racing – I mean, HOW was I going to peel myself off the ground after I’ve been so badly beaten? I was so weak, so lost, so foolish.

B told me that the first step in my recovery was to stop distracting myself from the pain. I had to face it, to suffer through it and eventually learn from it. J and I both contributed to the deterioration of the relationship and I was to sift through my memory and figure out HOW.

B warned that if I didn’t build my strength by understanding my pain, I would never heal and J could, at any given time, waltz right back into my life and I would very well let him take advantage of me all over again. Not only that but I would drag my baggage with me and would never be able to be happy with myself or another man ever again.

That scared me more than diving into the unknown. By venturing into the unknown, I had a shot at making a better life for myself and growing into a better person. If I just slapped a band aid on my wounds, I would have sealed my own fate with misery as my sole company forever.

So… day in, day out, I drowned myself in an ocean of memories of my failed relationship. I suppose my unemployment was a blessing in disguise because I had the time to really focus on the mission B assigned to me.

To say it was torture would be an understatement. At first, I couldn’t see the point of revisiting those memories because it only added onto the pain I was already feeling. Nothing was sinking in. I didn’t feel like I was learning anything new.

I cried everyday for a week. I planted myself on my parents’ futon and barely budged from it. The only time I got up was to go to the bathroom or to have a cigarette or two. B, Sha and sometimes, a few of my other friends would visit but when they left, I was alone again with my thoughts. It was supremely unpleasant.

In the meantime, I had to take care of things like the separation of our phone plans and the pick up of my things from J’s parents’ house. There was also the matter of the car we leased. I was the primary and J was the secondary lessee. Our initial verbal agreement was for him to continue using the car and no action will be taken on my end in terms of surrendering the vehicle back to the dealership as long as he made the monthly payments accordingly. I was too tired to fight about that at the time.

I eventually stopped crying and with a ton of guidance from B, I was able to gain a basic understanding of why the relationship fell apart. With that, however, feelings of anger and disappointment surfaced. I was angry and disappointed at myself for not ending the relationship sooner; shoulda, woulda, coulda. Ok, admittedly, I didn’t exactly have well wishes for J either.

However, in the midst of all my emotions, for the first time in a long time, I was certain that everything was exactly how it was suppose to be.

The root of our problem was, I grew up. J didn’t, nor did he want to. Our ideal lifestyles were polar opposites in addition to our polar opposite personalities. The things we had in common began to disappear and we stopped seeing eye-to-eye.

I concluded that he stayed in the relationship out of convenience. Nobody lies to or hurts someone to the extent that J hurt me if they were truly in love with that person. It became clear to me exactly why he stuck around. I voluntarily supplied everything he needed to not only survive without his parents but to be more than comfortable while he did practically nothing in life. He had it made for years. Based on my and B’s combined analysis, it was why it was so easy for J to toss me out like used up garbage when all of my resources were tapped out. He kicked me when I was down as I was of no use to him anymore.

I stayed because yes, I did love him but also because I didn’t want my family to be proven right about J as that would mean I failed. I poured my heart, my resources and my energy into the relationship in hopes of preventing the inevitable: it was destined to come to an end. This, however, only led to having my heart broken every day, which sparked fights way too frequently. I hoped that he would eventually become a better man. That he would one day appreciate everything I had done and would treat me the way I deserved. I was stubborn and a fool.

I permanently embedded this truth into every corner of my brain and my heart. I vowed that I would never make the same mistakes ever again. I finally accepted that the relationship was indeed just a learning experience that I had to go through in order to really learn. As I mentioned in the previous chapter, I had a very strict upbringing so I craved learning about life through experience rather than in theory.

J and I broke up in July of 2009. Early August of the same year, my Mom called me to tell me to prepare for an interview with her company. A few days after my interview, I was offered the position. It felt wonderful, as I knew it was the next step toward building a new life, another chance to make better decisions and an opportunity to take everything I learned and use it as my fuel to succeed. It was time to focus, nurture my talents and chase after my dreams.

I knew I still had to deal with the side effects of everything that happened, mainly my insecurities, but I thanked God that the dunce cap and blindfold were finally off. Just the fact that I came out the other side of what was the most horrible time in my life alive, kicking and blessed was a miracle to me.

I was practically dead in a cold, dark ditch but as grueling as it was, I clawed my way out and came back into the land of the living. I was ready to live again.

My Dad’s Torta


No one can come close to my parents’ cooking. No one. Well, ok, maybe my grandparents but that’s because they taught my parents. In my opinion, my parents picked up my grandparents’ methods the best – hands down!

To me, Filipino food cooked by others can taste good, even great but never sensational. I compare all Filipino dishes to that of my parents’ version and I truly believe that nothing compares to theirs. See, it’s not even just the end product; it’s their method. They never measure and they always know the perfect spice blend to throw into every dish.

Today, I am featuring my Dad’s Torta, as per my fiancé’s suggestion. John had had variations of Torta in the past but when he saw/tasted my Dad’s, he was pretty upset to learn just what he was missing out on.

Now, onto the instructions! Note: I do apologize in advance for the lack of precise measurements – as I previously stated, my parents don’t measure – but I hope the photographs will help a tad!

The basic ingredients.

Top: 5 lbs of ground pork. | Middle Row: 2 large onions and 2 carrots, minced. 2 large tomatoes, pureed. | Bottom Row: About 15 cloves of garlic, minced. 1 large white potato cubed.

Bear in mind that this scale is intended to feed five people dinner with plenty leftover for anyone who wants to pack lunch for the following work day.

My Dad started with the basic sauté process – oil, garlic, onion, salt & pepper. To kick it up a notch, he added some of his special spice mix which he put together himself using a variety of herbs and spices.

Dad’s special spice mix.

Sautéing in progress.

Zoey watching my Dad cooking. Probably wondering what’s taking so long.

As an alternate to fresh tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes can be used. My Dad used a bit of both.

He then added some oyster flavored sauce.

Followed by the ground pork.

To kick it up another notch, my Dad added some minced red hot chilli peppers. In our house, the spicier, the better.

He then brought the pot to a boil until the water from the meat evaporated.

My Dad added colour to the dish by throwing in a bag of Mama Sita’s all natural annatto powder (achuete).


Then, he added the minced carrots, cubed potatoes and tossed in two beaten, lightly-salted eggs. Oh man, I’m getting hungry again.

The serving/presentation process.

My Dad beat another couple of eggs and poured them into hot non-stick pan. He then scooped some of the Torta, and wrapped it with the cooked egg resulting in the very first photograph of this post!

Dipping sauce: Lemon, soy sauce, and more peppers.

This mix is the perfect condiment for Torta. I love it.

Bon Appétit!

A special thanks to my Dad for helping me write the instructions and for cooking yet another delicious meal!


She with No Degree

The concept of having a University degree under our belt is instilled in us from a young age for we are generally told that without one, our chances of success drop significantly.

We are taught to pick an occupation that we feel passionate about so we can study for it at a post-secondary institution, thrive and fall right into the field of our dreams after graduating. This, of course, leads to higher income, a better quality of life, sugar, spice and everything nice!

What happens, though, when your high school graduation is a few months away and you still haven’t a single clue as to what career path you want to take? What happens if you or your parents do not have sufficient funds available to sustain the expenses of a post-secondary education?

What happens if your loan or OSAP application doesn’t even get approved? What happens if the initial financing isn’t an issue but then two years into your program you realize just how much you hate what you’re studying?

Or worse, what happens if you changed your mind after you graduated? That’s thousands of dollars down the drain and yes, I’ve seen it happen.

A couple of weeks ago, a position within our corporate office’s Marketing Team opened up. From what I’ve heard, one would have to be oozing in credentials to even have a remote chance of being considered. Therefore, I had it in my mind that if I were to apply, it would be a long shot because I do not hold a University degree and I do not have any experience in Marketing.

Yet and still, I read through the job description and, as it highly intrigued me, proceeded to conduct additional research to determine whether I can confidently and honestly present my candidacy during a potential interview.

I was advised by one of my leaders that my biggest competition would be those with Ivy League educations who are holding University degrees. I was, however, still encouraged to apply because apparently, my initiative showed that I cared more about the job itself than how it would look on my resume. I was also told that holding a University degree is not reflective of one’s work ethic and passion for without either, the degree is just another piece of paper.

After I reviewed all of the information I gathered and with the support of my current leaders, I decided to apply for it. I didn’t expect much but I thought that at the very least, I am communicating that this is the type of role I’m gunning for.

Surprisingly, I was called and attended my first interview a few days later. It went well considering that later that afternoon I was called again to schedule my second!

The “not expecting much” completely went out the window after I jotted down the date and time. I freaked out due to excitement followed by anxiety of not knowing what would happen next because I never expected to make it after the first round. When I did, it sunk in that I was in the game and I wanted nothing more than to win.

For two and a half agonizing days, I waited for their decision.

My August 31st Insanity Log.

Ever heard the term “silently screaming”? This was a result of that. Forgive my messy handwriting.

Signed September 10th, 2012.

Well, Reader, I must have done something right during those interviews because on September 10th, I signed the official documents of my transfer to our corporate office. My start date as a Marketing Approvals Coordinator is Wednesday, October 10th and I. AM. STOKED!

From the first time I verbally accepted the offer on August 31st to just before I signed the offer letter on September 10th, everything felt surreal. As soon as I inked my signature on that page, reality dawned on me and man, was it awesome!

After processing my memories of the days passed – all my panic, anticipation and shock – I gave myself a pat on the back and thanked God so much that He probably wanted to tell me to shut it already. It finally sunk in how big of an accomplishment it was. All the hard work and dedication I poured into my previous roles finally paid off and I am finally on my way to an exciting and rewarding career!

I mean hey, out of all the applicants, they saw potential in the high school graduate whose only form of post-secondary education was completely unrelated to the financial industry and decided to give her a shot!

At twenty five years old, with not much but a few years of experience on paper, I made it into, what someone referred to as, the Shangri-La of our company. As Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad) would put it, “YEA, BITCH!

Now, to be clear, I am not at all claiming that a University degree is not necessary nor am I claiming that it is. Each one of us, as we maneuver through life, discover our own paths and passions in our own time. Whether that’s through going to University or going through life, that’s something only you alone can determine. Either way, you’re going to receive one hell of an education.



Vanity Housekeeping

After posting Chapter 2: The Best Thing I Never Had of my Love; There Are No Rules series, I am evidently opting for more light-hearted posts because writing that chapter took a lot out of me. Chapter 3 is going to sit in the back burner for a week or two.

And now, for a little bit of girly fun:

Deep cleaned my brushes.

The liquid in the bowl is half Extra Virgin Olive Oil and half Palmolive Dish Soap. Prior to using this mixture, I was using Baby Shampoo to deep clean my natural hair brushes and a bar of Dove soap for my synthetic brushes. My friend, Christine, got this tip from one of Michelle Phan’s YouTube videos and shared it with me – said it was much better. I haven’t looked back since trying it! It really does clean both my natural hair and synthetic brushes beautifully. I’m talking zero makeup stains, fresh scent and it leaves them feeling so soft.

Upside down drying.

Those brush guards are a dream! In school, we were taught to dry our brushes flat or hanging over a table. I hopped on the upside down drying bandwagon because it eliminates the chances of water seeping into the ferrule and ruining the glue. Now, if this happens to you, don’t toss your brush! Use a glue gun to re-attach the ferrule to the handle and just take better care next time.

My M.A.C. brushes are my babies. I spent a lot of time picking every single one because it is highly impractical to purchase two or three different kinds of brushes when one will suffice. Even with my artist discount, they are pricey!

Above: Here are the rest of the brushes I didn’t need to deep clean today.

My collection. Only missing one of my No.224s as I was using it.

A glimpse of my vanity table.

That aloe vera is made of plastic. I do not have a green thumb. In fact, I once managed to kill a cactus… it just dried up and died.

M.A.C. VIVA Glam in Nicki | Satin finish.

I am obsessed with this lipstick right now. I will be snatching another tube of it in addition to the lip gloss version as soon as possible.

Note/Tip: In addition to highlighting my brow bone, I use Benefit’s High Brow to highlight the centre of my bottom lip for a fuller look. I also like to brush a bit of white shimmery eyeshadow (i.e. M.A.C.’s Shroom) on my cupid’s bow to finish it off. I love products that I can use for more than one purpose.

Almost every photograph featured on my blog thus far was taken with my iPhone. Some have turned out nicely because I had natural light to aid me but some, like the photo above are not the best quality. My makeup appears a lot more intense than how it was in person. For example, I wasn’t wearing eyeliner on my bottom inside rim and my eyebrows are not that dark! I am using it because it is the most recent (yesterday) and oddly enough, the colour of the lipstick is quite close to how it appears in person.

I will never get tired of flipping through the pages of these books.

My favourite is Kevyn Aucoin’s Making Faces. Did anyone else yelp in excitement when he appeared for an episode on Sex and the City? *raises hand*

P.S. In reference to the first paragraph of Me, Myself and My 32Gs: Long story short, I had two successful shopping trips approximately three weeks ago! I finally felt the high that comes along with finding pieces that are my taste and style. What a confidence boost! 🙂

That being said, my fiancé and I agreed that it’s about time we really invest in both of our wardrobe collections now that we’re in more of a financial position to do so. We are, however, forever budget-conscious! I think even if we won the lottery tomorrow, our spending habits wouldn’t change.


Our Pre-Baby Baby

Our baby girl resting on her bed.

She loves to just hang out with us. 

Playing basketball with John at the park.

Lucky Mom! She got Zoey to fall asleep on her.

Sitting on the porch with my parents waiting for John and I to come home from work.

Hanging out on the porch with my Dad. I love this photo of her!

I just adore Zoey’s personality! She’s friendly, playful, super sweet, a little cheeky and loves meeting new people/puppies. She is a big ball of positive, happy energy. She is also so, so smart; it amazes us how quickly she learns. Enrolling her in puppy training classes at Canine Campus has already been very rewarding and we’re only beginning the second level. We really enjoy going to these classes because not only is Zoey able to interact/play with other puppies, our instructor, Arlene, is terrific. I love that she spends enough one-on-one time with each puppy to make sure we, as owners, are doing the right things to help our puppies succeed. Arlene also has a very warm personality, instructs gently and her passion for what she does really shines through.

Zoey asking Miko to play but he’s tired from taking previous classes.

It is such a pleasure to  meet all kinds of puppies and their owners in these classes. Zoey is the smallest puppy in our current batch so Arlene lets the other puppies play off-leash for a bit then asks their owners to put them on leash before we let Zoey loose. This way, she can easily get away if she gets overwhelmed.

Per Arlene’s suggestion, we introduced hotdogs and cheese as “special” treats to assist in recall training. This is the “come” command or otherwise known as the “life saving command”. The puppy is suppose to do a full 360 and bolt to you when they are told to “come”. When we practiced at home, it was unbelievable how big of a difference the special treats made in Zoey’s desire to obey! Now, at any given time, no matter what she’s doing, when we call out, “Zoey, come!”, she runs straight to us without thinking twice. It’s AWESOME.

Yes, I do realize that only pet owners can understand the joy of this so to everyone else, pardon me for gushing.

My sweet girl napping.

It has been such a blessing watching her grow up and the affection she gives us is priceless. We’re very proud and lucky parents.



A Toast to Us

A lovely pre-dinner surprise! My favourite.

On the way to the Hy’s Steakhouse.

“No, I’m not lucky. I’m blessed, yes!”

The gorgeous entrance at the Hy’s Steakhouse.

View of the restaurant from our booth.

These photographs are not remotely close to how gorgeous this restaurant is. I was stunned!

Our appetizer: Escargot.

John’s meal: Medium-rare peppercorn steak with mashed potatoes.

My Meal: Medium-rare New York steak with thick tomato slices. I couldn’t finish it.

Side Dishes: Steamed asparagus and sautéed mushrooms.

Complimentary for our anniversary.

Dim, romantic restaurant lighting is not very helpful for food photo-taking.

It was so sweet of Hy’s to give us their delicious creme brûlée (I LOVE creme brûlée!) as their anniversary gift to us. The food was exquisite, to say the least! (We neglected to take photos of our wine and the garlic bread that blew all other garlic bread served at any restaurant I’ve eaten in out of the water.) Canyon Creek has officially been knocked out of first place as my favourite steakhouse. Hy’s was that impressive. Their service was one of the best I have ever experienced and the atmosphere was so romantic – perfect for celebrating our three-year anniversary!



To my very best friend and my love,

I thank you…

  • For your friendship
  • For the side-splitting laughter
  • For every conversation
  • For dedicating your time, your heart
  • For every kiss, every hug
  • For your encouragement, your support
  • For making me feel beautiful
  • For being my rock
  • For being the best man I know
  • For brightening my day, every day
  • For always taking care
  • For your unconditional love
  • For the warmth of your smile
  • For your beautiful soul…

Happy three-year anniversary.

I’ll see you at the altar in three hundred and sixty five days!